AA1 Locksmith San Pedro Commercial Services:(424) 269-6112
Locking yourself out of your business is an annoying but very common problem, so it is wise to always have the number of a professional locksmith saved.
AA1 Locksmith San Pedro offers 24 hour services and will be there to assist you whenever you call them.
We know how important it is for you to be able to either secure of open your doors.
As a result, our locksmiths will use a variety of methods to gain access to your store, and make you new keys if needed.
Here are some of our flagship services we provide in greater detail.
We Service and Reprogram Digital Locks
Managers have to reprogram their digital locks from time to time to ensure workplace security.
Attempting to change these without an expert can be difficult and time-consuming.
Instead, call a professional from AA1 Locksmith San Pedro who has the right training to do the job correctly.
Installing Locks on your Doors
Allowing untrained persons to install locks on your business doors means taking a huge risk.
Without a professional’s help, the lock or door will likely be damaged in the process, defeating its security purposes.
This means instead of saving money on a good locksmith, you end up paying more in repairs for the damage.
A lock that is not properly installed is much more easily removed by burglars or vandals looking to break into your business.
Call AA1 Locksmith at(424) 269-6112 at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to have your locks changed within minutes.

We unlock or Repair Different Types of Safes
Don’t panic when you can’t gain access to your commercial vault.
AA1 Locksmith provides excellent and affordable safe services for our commercial customers.
Our safe specialists can open, repair, and refurbish your safe so it works like new, all while keeping your valuables safe.
Cutting off Stubborn Padlocks
Padlocks, unlike regular locks to your vehicle or doors, don’t allow us to simply pick or rekey them.
Our locksmiths will come out with professional grade equipment to remove old or stuck locks that no longer have keys to open them.
Padlocks are made of reinforced metal, and require cutting devices stronger than what you have on hand.
So, give us a call to have someone remove your padlock right away.
Our Commercial Services:
- Emergency Lockouts
- Safe Opening/Repair
- Re-Key Locks
- Lock Changes
- Panic/Emergency Exit Installation
- Security System Consultation
- Remove Padlocks
- High Security Locks
- Lock Repairs
- and more!